Instead of using extra paragraph breaks to move your chapter titles down from the top of the page in Word, you should be using the Spacing: Before setting for the style.

First, use a style for all of your chapter titles. Often, the default Heading 1 style is used. Or, you can create a new style, perhaps named “Chapter Titles” and use that for all of your chapter titles in your book.

In addition to setting all of the other characteristics you desire, also set the Spacing: Before setting. To get there do the following:

  1. Create the chapter title style (or use the Heading 1 style)
  2. Modify the style to the look you desire
  3. Under Paragraph in the style settings look for Spacing: Before
  4. Enter the amount of space you want between the top margin and your chapter titles
  5. I also suggest setting the Spacing: Below to how far below the chapter title you want the first line of your chapter text to fall
  6. Click OK

That’s all!

Below are screenshots to help you along the way.

Spacing Before

Spacing Before

Spacing Before

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