How to Accept and Reject Track Changes in Word

How to Accept and Reject Track Changes in Word

After I’ve finished an editing job using Word’s Track Changes and sent it back to the author, the question I am asked most often is “So, how do I review this thing?” My first suggestion is always to go through the document first and reject the suggested changes you do not want to accept so that you can accept all the ones you do with one click. (more…)

The Great Oxford Comma Debate

The Great Oxford Comma Debate

We all have our pet peeves when it comes to grammar, and mine, ladies and gentlemen, is known as the Oxford comma. If you’re a grammar nerd like me, you’ve probably heard of the great Oxford comma debate. But if you’re not, then you might just know that grammarians argue about it. So, what exactly is the Oxford comma? The Oxford comma is just another name for the serial comma, the comma that comes before the final “and” in a series.


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